
5 Years

5 Years
60 Months
270 Weeks
1825 Days
43800 Hours
How can it be that a half of a decade has passed since Bryan asked me to be his wife. Since our walk on Stinson Beach where I was aimlessly collecting sand dollars and Bryan was nervously trailing behind.

Since I excitedly shoved that beautiful, but to small ring on my finger... Which led to having it cut off the next day.

How I deserve Bryan I will never know. I'm so blessed to have him in my life for the past 8 years. Throughout the trying times he has always been my biggest encourager and best friend. But also not afraid to laugh at or with me. I'm so glad that he is my partner in life.

Halloween 2014 watching the Giants parade.

We stopped at Stinson Beach on the way home from the parade. Out last trip before I got sick.