About Me
My Guillain Barré Story
Faces of Guillain Barré
About Me
My Guillain Barré Story
Faces of Guillain Barré
Friday, August 3, 2018
The Faces of Guillain Barré & CIDP Summer Edition- Julianna Update
You can read Julianna's original stpry from last year at this link. What do kids classify as normal? When I was in 6th grade,...
Friday, July 20, 2018
The Faces of Guillain Barré & CIDP Summer Edition- Elizabeth G. Update
My GBS Journey Part 2 Last year when I wrote part one
Friday, July 6, 2018
The Faces of Guillain Barré & CIDP Summer Edition- Ashley #102
In November my junior year of high school I contracted strep throat. It was the same week as the regional competition for my varsity ch...
Friday, June 29, 2018
The Faces of Guillain Barré & CIDP Summer Edition- Syaza #101
Hi, I’m Syaza Wazir from Kedah, Malaysia. I am a previously healthy 23 years old, striving for my degree in medicine at a local medical ...
Friday, June 15, 2018
The Faces of Guillain Barré & CIDP Summer Edition- Elizabeth #100
Hey, my name is Elizabeth Landrum I was diagnosed with CIDP in August of 2016. I'm from New Orleans, LA. I was a healthy 35 year ...
Thursday, May 31, 2018
The Faces of Guillain Barré & CIDP 2018: Day 31- Janez #99
Part I. Abbreviations used in the text: GBS - Guillain-Barré Syndrome; Neuro – Univerzitetni klinični center, Nevrološka klinika Ljubl...
The Faces of Guillain Barré & CIDP 2018: Day 31- Liz #98
My name is Liz Shank; I am 24 and live in San Diego, California. Summer of 2017 felt like it was going very well, I had been constant...
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