
The Faces of Guillain Barré

May is Guillain Barré Syndrome Awareness Month. I started this blog to follow my GBS journey at the beginning of the year. I figured if I can help any fighter or loved one feel a little less alone, then it's worth sharing my story. I want to show the world what Guillain Barré is and that I am more than my diagnosis.

I'm starting a new series here on the blog called- The Faces of Guillain Barré. I encourage all of you to send me your stories. No matter what your age is or how severe your case is/was. In my opinion it doesn't matter how severe your GBS was, if it affected your daily life and the lives of the people you love, then it's devastating.

I will start posting the stories I receive on May 1st. My goal is to get at least 31 stories so I can post one a day... I have already received 5 :) I will promote the stories on Facebook, here on the blog and Instagram (follow me- thegimpygirlwhocould) using #thefacesofguillainbarre but my spreading of awareness will not end in May. I would love to receive hundreds of responses and share the stories of your journeys throughout the year... Awareness is key!

Your stories can be short and sweet or as long as you want. Please include at least one picture- a pre, during and post GBS would be awesome. Also include where you are from, what year you got GBS, how old you were, if you have a variant, please include what one. If you were on a vent, how long you were in a hospital, ect... Anything that you think is relevant.

Please email your story to and if you are on Instagram let me know your Instagram name so I can tag you into your post.

After I have it established I would also like to feature the people who have stuck by us; family, spouses, friends, ect.

I want to show the world that we are more than Guillain Barré Syndrome. #thefacesofguillainbarre