
Happiest Girl in the World

It doesn't take a lot to make me happy. It may be food, music or a drive, I'm easy to please.

Driving has always been my happy place. A place I can clear my head and refuel my soul. Since getting sick with Guillain Barré Syndrome I haven't been aloud to drive. 

GBS has left me with Drop Foot- and poor reflexes. Im only on a few medications these days but they have messed with my memory. Naturally there has been some reservations about me driving... Apparently I wasn't the greatest driver before my medical problems... No clue where everyone got that idea. :)

For months I've been telling Bryan that as soon as I could get into our truck by myself that I'd be ready to drive... He wasn't buying it. So imagine my surprise and pure joy as he pulled over on a back road and asked if I was ready to drive... I probably squealed, if I'm being honest.

It was amazing to finally be in the drivers seat after nearly 16 months. I only drove 5 or so miles because it was getting dark and I'm basically blind... Thanks GBS for making by not so great vision even worse! But non the les, those few miles were magical. Windows down, music up and green fields as far as you can see.