
16,000 Thank You's

May has came to an end and with it so has the official Guillain Barré awareness month. But for us who have been effective by GBS, we know that spreading awareness never stops. Guillain Barré is so ruthless. It does not discriminate and no matter what, every case is devistating if it changes your and your loved ones daily life.

I created The Faces of Guillain Barre because I wanted a place that GBS fighters could go to for hope... Where family and friends could go to for inspiration. I wanted to help people feel a little less lost and alone than we did.

In just one month my blog had 16,000 views. That is incredible and wouldn't have been possible without the help and the participation of 30+ wonderful fighters sharing their stories. That means because of my blog and The Faces of Guillain Barre, 16,000 times someone was thinking of Guillain Barré.

I can not think all of you enough; from send in your very personal stories, sharing & liking all of these posts. Awareness has to start somewhere. I have received so many messages saying how much these testimonies have helped them, how writing out their stories has helped them heal in unexpected ways. It has made this entire experience worth it.

I'm sorry to everyone on the GBS sites for endlessly bugging you all to let me share your stories. We all know how little the world knows about Guillain Barré and I believe awareness starts with us telling our stories. We are more than our diagnoses, help me show the world. 

I'm hoping that I will continue receiving stories from anyone effected by GBS- family & friends stories are more than welcomed... The Faces of Guillain Barre will still be going strong and featuring a story every Monday. My new goal it to share one story a week until the end of December. That means I need 30 new people to share their stories! Please, please, please send me yours this way.

I'm always happy to help anyone who has any questions about GBS. Feel free to send all questions and stories to-

Again thank you to every one of you for following along this past month!

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram: Thegimpygirlwhocould and on Facebook