
Timing is Everything

I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. A year ago I felt a strong need to create a blog about my Guillain Barré Syndrome journey. I was nervous about my writing skills and to lay pieces of my life out for the world to see. But I knew in my heart it was the right thing to do. I wanted a way to give back and reach out to people on similar paths. From personal experience I knew there was a need for a place that GBS Fighters and their loved ones could read stories of others. Where they could learn and maybe understand a little more..


GBS is scary stuff. There are no guarantees or real answers. I had to hit rock bottom- loose my ability to move anything but my thumbs before I hit my plateaue and started to recover. At that time I was desperate to hear about others. Yes my experience wouldn't be the exact same but I needed scenarios. I needed to know the truths... That yes some people do loose their fight but more often than not they survive and lead normal lives... But what it "normal" anyway?


In June I met the sweetest woman through social media. She was also recovering from Guillain Barré Syndrome/ CIDP. She told me that she found my blog and Facebook page when she was in the hospital and newly diagnosed. She talked about how much it helped her and thanked me. Since the beginning I have felt a connection to her, our lives are very similar and we are both crazy over our nieces... and nephews for me 😜💕 I'm forever grateful that we crossed paths. It makes this whole ordeal a little more bright and shiny.

I realized today, that it is her 1 year anniversary of being diagnosed and hospitalized. I launched my blog 2 days before her life was thrown for a loop... Timing is everything & everything truly does happen for a reason.


Oh and P.S.- as of today it's been a year since I took my first unassisted steps 😊 I've officially been wobbling around for a year. In a perfect world I would be running by now... but in reality I have always hated running. Slow and steady 💪🏻🐢💙

I thought I could only take 2 or 3 steps without holding on to the bars... I took 14 😊🐢💙💪🏻

Hagen and I after my big walk 💙💚
If you or someone you live has been thrown into this crazy journey, just know that you are not alone. I have met so many of you through Facebook and Instagram and value our chats. "Keep on dreaming even if it breaks your heart".