I started showing symptoms a long time ago but didn't
say anything at all because I knew my mom would take me out of cheer. I
was dropped in a cheer stunt and fell really hard to the ground. And I
started to get really bad, after 2 previous hospitalizations locally,
I went to Washington, D.C. Where my neurosurgeon is because they thought
there was a bad change and I needed emergency surgery.
Once I got there
I proceeded to get bad fast. My heart rate was in the 200 resting and I
was in and out of consciousness. I don't remember much after that. My
best friend was in the hospital for the same brain surgery they tought I
needed then, so she was visiting me the whole time. For many days I
couldn't move by myself, I was hallucinating, and didn't remember
anything. After they had me heavily sedated and was stable enough to get
a mri they said it wasn't the Chiari. But my nerve roots were inflamed.
I received ivig for a couple of days and slowly improved. And I was
really close to being sent to a rehab place. I was so lucky to not be
put on life support and only be in the hospital for a week. I was sad my
best friend got to leave before me but she was 2 doors down the whole
time and made it so much easier having her there with me.
I am still
struggling. I do not go to school as my heart is still affected bad and
it still goes in the 180 I get tired all the time, poor walking,
terrible memory and more. But it doesn't stop me from smiling!!
makes me keep pushing everyday is cheer. I was very good at it right
before I got sick and my goal is to one day be able to do it again.